Beaumaris Probus Inc BSB CBA – 063144  Account # 10121288

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Interested in joining Beaumaris Probus? - Email Roger Wilson -

July 2024 Newsletter

June Speaker  Tony Aplin

Robert Law's Photographic Collection

April Speaker – John Basarin OAM

Gallipoli from the Turkish perspective

The member register is in the Members Section:

Click here, enter password. (If forgotten, call 0416 294 452)

Welcome to our new Members

Chris Tuck (centre) with proposer John Schmoll and President David

Kien Teh (centre) with proposer John Schmoll and President David

Geoff Johnson (centre) with proposer Roger Wilson and President David

Tastes at Fazio's a great success

Well done again, Sam Fazio

It was another great Tastes Dinner at Fazio’s Restaurant in Hampton on Tuesday 28 May with 63 attendees. There was the opportunity for relatively new Beaumaris Probus members and their partners to sit with, and get to know, old hands.

The usual Sicilian fare provided by Sam, including shared starters and a choice of delicious pasta, pizza, risotto, chicken cacciatore or rack of lamb.

Geoff Bransbury provided his good value excellent wine including special Sicilian wine “Nero d’Avola”.

The food was superb as reflected in David Rushworth’s presidential vote of thanks to Geoff and to Sam Fazio and the staff at the venue

Is your profile on our website yet?

You will be amazed at the range and extent of the skills, interests and experiences of our members when you read the profiles on this website.

It’s a great way for you to find out more about fellow members and for them to find out more about you. You may also find members with similar interests. to yourself.

Members are encouraged to add their profile although it is up to you. We have many new members so it’s time to update the profiles!

To add your profile, either write it yourself and email it to Geoff Bransbury our webmaster at or call /email him and he will arrange for it to be written for you. All you have to do then is edit and approve it!

The profile should be about 250-350 words, and outline briefly your background, interest, career, family and perhaps an experience or adventure you feel might interest other members. Add a photo of you with your partner or family.

Thank you. We look forward to reading about more of our members!

Footy Tipping

Results shown weekly on our website.

Will you win this year?

Two views of Black Rock Yacht Club

Members enjoying lunch after the General Meeting. Staying for lunch is a great way to meet friends and to get to know other members who you don’t know. 

Drone's view of Black Rock Yacht Club

Photo taken by Paul Crompton on his drone.

Future Events and Visits

To book for the following Events (go to Upcoming Events)

Candlelight Dinner – Sandy by the Bay – Wednesday 7th August
Jayco Factory -First Tour – Thursday 15th August – 10.00 (max 10)
Egyptian Pharaohs Exhibition at National Gallery – Thursday August 22nd -11.30
Footy Lunch – Wednesday 25th September at Bridge Hotel, Mordialloc
Jayco Factory – Second Tour – 10th October -10.00
Fine Dining Tastes at Royal South Yarra Tennis Club – Thursday 24th October
President’s Christmas Lunch – Woodlands Golf Club -Thursday 12th December at 12.00 

Visit  “Upcoming Events” to register for events. To pay for events, please pay to the Probus bank account. The bank details are on the header photo above