Our Mid-Year Dinner was re-named our Candleight Dinner by Alan Farmer when he was Functions Coordinator in about 2011. It is a special evening where we have a two course dinner under candelight, usually with some entertainment, raffles and prizes. it is one of our two fomal Club functions and is formal in that men wear jackets and ties.


This Year our Candlelight Dinner was unique. We were treated to a truly memorable performance from two Ukranian artists.
Given the events in Ukraine , we thought it appropriate to find some musical from Ukraine. This was not an easy task. Ukranian singers in Melbourne are few and far between. We contacted the Ukranian Association and they put us in touch with Lucy Nicholson (nee Jurkiv) and Gary Wasenko. Lucy is now a performing arts teacher in Frankston but once sang with the Victiorian Opera. Gary runs his own business. They knew each other from childhood but no longer perform. It was also Lucy’s 60th birthday.
The event was held at Sandy by the Bay. 100 members attended.The food was excellent and the night proved one of our best ever. Kevin and Rhonda Reed organised a terrific raffle, and Ken and Margie Beadle presented Lucy and Gary with flowers and a bottle of gin!
However…It was nearly a disaster and Geoff Bransbury was in a spin. The Council car park was full of potholes. It was wet, dark and cold. Everybody arrived 30 minutes early and the bar wasn’t open. (We even hired lighting to minimise risk) The microphone and video wouldn’t work! However it all worked out in the end and hopefully eveybody went home happy.
Special thanks to Kevin Reed and Leon Laragy for helping out in the car park helping members navigate the potholes

Gary Wasenko sent us the story of his parents escape from Ukraine. Click here to read this brief email he sent us.
President Simon advised that some members might wish to donate to the Ukranian charity. If so, contact Geoff Bransbury who was given a link by Gary.

2020/2021 - Cancelled due to COVID


Held at the Sandringham Yacht Club the event was organised by Ken Beadle. 96 Members attended and the cost was $75.00pp


This was a special year. Ralph Butcher turned 100 and so we had a reason to celebrate. President Roger Wilson conducted an interview with Ralph and we had pictures playing in the background and a video of Ralph’s like that had been prepared by the family..

Music was chosen  to reflect Ralph’s era.

It was a wonderful evening and we all sang “We’ll meet again” along with Vera Lynn at the close. There were 116 Members and partners and the evening cost $75.00 pp


This was our 30th anniversary year so the Candlelight Dinner was very special this year. It was held at the Sandringham Yacht Club. Ken Beadle was President and John Beaty Functions coordinator. Special place mats were prepared and photos depicting the Clubs history were displayed.  108 members and partners attended and the cost was $65.00pp

The photos below were put together by Ken Beadle to mark our Club’s 30th anniversary