Jayco Factory Tour – 15th August – Starts 10.00 am Tour limited to 10 people.

Led by friendly experts, the free tour guides you through each manufacturing phase – from framing to interior detailing – unveiling the latest materials and techniques.
The requirements for the visit are as follows:

  • Enclosed sturdy shoes are mandatory for all participants.
  • The site covers approximately 50 acres, so participants should be capable of walking comfortably for the duration of the tour.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided.

Make sure you enter your email correctly – any doubts, submit a second form

More info -contact Derek Skues

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Number Coming (required)

    Name Attendee 1

    Name -Attendee 2

    Car sharing.
    Will you drive? If so, how many can you take in your car?
    Would you prefer a lift? Yes or No